February 26, 2022 5 min read

If you're a business owner, you know that fire safety is of the utmost importance. One way to help ensure the security of your employees and customers is by installing commercial smoke eaters. But where should you put them? 

There are a few factors to consider when choosing the location for your smoke eater. The first is the size of the unit. Make sure to select a place that can accommodate the size of your unit. You also want to ensure that the location is close to an electrical outlet.

In this blog post, we will discuss some common places to put smoke eaters in your business, as well as some tips on how to choose the right location.

The Benefits of Commercial Smoke Eaters

Smoke eaters help businesses in a few ways. First, they remove smoke from the air, which helps improve the air quality and make it safer for employees and customers. Second, they act as a fire suppressant, helping to contain fires until firefighters arrive. And finally, smoke eaters can help to prevent costly damage from fires.

Where to Put Smoke Eaters in Your Business: The Basics

Smoke eater installed in a ceiling

First of all, you need to ensure that the smoke eaters are placed in an area where they will be most effective. This means putting them in a room with good ventilation and away from any potential sources of fire. You also want to make sure that the smoke eaters are easily accessible so you can use them in an emergency.

Ultimately, the type of building you have, as well as its height, should determine your decision. There are three general places where you can put smoke eaters in your business: near the ceiling, near the floor, or in the middle of the room. Here are some tips on choosing the proper placement for your smoke eaters:

  • If you have a high ceiling, smoke eaters should be placed near the top to ensure that the smoke rises and is sucked in. This helps circulate the air more effectively and prevents it from being obstructed by furniture or other objects.
  • If you have a lower ceiling, placing smoke eaters near the floor can be a good option. This is because the smoke particles will be heavier and will sink down to the floor.
  • If you have an open floor plan, placing smoke eaters in the middle of the room can help evenly distribute the airflow.
  • You should also consider putting smoke eaters near exits and high-traffic areas. 
  • For businesses with multiple floors, it's important to put smoke eaters on each floor.
  • If you are trying to remove smoke from a kitchen, placing the device near an exhaust fan will help improve its efficacy.

Some common places to install commercial smoke eaters include:

- Near doors and windows

- In hallways and corridors

- In stairwells

- Near exit signs

- In restrooms 

- Near kitchen appliances

Whichever placement you choose, make sure that there is enough clearance around each smoke eater so that it can circulate the air effectively. You should also ensure that the cords are not obstructed so that they can be plugged in easily.

It's important to keep in mind that each business is different, and therefore will require different placement for its smoke eaters. Talk to an expert at your local fire safety company to get specific advice on where to place your smoke eaters.

How Air Filters Trap Smoke?

Professional checking the air filter of a smoker eater

Commercial smoke eaters work by using a process called "air entrapment." This is when the smoke particles are drawn into the filter, where they become trapped. The air then passes through a series of filters that remove the smoke particles from the air. This process is repeated until all smoke particles have been removed from the air.

The type of filter you choose will depend on the specific needs of your business. There are two main types of filters: mechanical and activated carbon filters. Mechanical filters work by physically trapping smoke particles in the filter material. Activated carbon filters work by adsorbing smoke particles onto the surface of the filter.

The air filters in a commercial smoke eater can be replaced or cleaned as needed, making them a cost-effective way to protect your business from fire hazards.

Why Choose HEPA Filters for Smoke Removal? 

smoke eater with a HEPA filter can remove up to 99.97% of all particles in the air, including smoke, dust, and pollen. HEPA filters also trap bacteria and viruses, making them ideal for use in cigar shops, bars, restaurants, and other public spaces.

How to Choose the Right Smoke Eater for Business?

There are many different types of commercial smoke eaters on the market, so it is crucial to choose one that is right for your specific needs. Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision for your business:

  • Consider the size of the room or area that you need to purify

When choosing a smoke eater for your business, it is essential to consider the size of your space. You will need a smaller smoke eater if you have a small area. On the other hand, larger rooms will require more powerful devices, so be sure to choose a model that is up to the task.

  • Think about the specific airborne contaminants that you need to remove

Consider the type of smoke you are trying to remove since some devices are better at eliminating certain types of contaminants than others. If you are trying to remove tobacco or wood smoke, you will need a specific kind of smoke eater designed for that purpose.

  • Choose a commercial smoke eater that is UL certified

When shopping for a smoke eater, be sure to choose one that is certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). This will ensure that you are purchasing a product that meets all safety standards.

How Many CFM Do I Need in a Commercial Smoke Eater? 

Man smoking a cigar

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including the size of your space and the level of air pollution you are trying to combat. A general rule of thumb is that you will need one CFM (cubic feet per minute) for every square foot of space. 

However, if you are dealing with a particularly smoky environment, you may need more CFM to achieve optimal results. Once again, it is best to consult with a professional before deciding how much CFM you need in your smoke eater. They will be able to assess your specific situation and make recommendations based on their expertise.


So there you have it! These are just a few things to remember when choosing the best commercial smoke eater for your business and ensuring that it is placed in an ideal location for maximum effectiveness.

It is important to place commercial smoke eaters in strategic locations so that they can effectively remove unwanted smoke from your business. By following these tips, you can ensure that your customers and employees are safe and healthy and that your business remains running smoothly.

If you have any questions about commercial smoke eaters or need help finding the right one for your business, don't hesitate to contact us today!

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